Text Notifications

sign up to get text notifications sent to your mobile device:

Here’s What you Need to Know:

  • These text notifications are in addition to the call or email you usually receive when your materials arrive at the library

  • Available messages: Holds to pickup, Overdue items, Courtesy notices (auto renewals) 

  • Text messages are sent as soon as we scan your item

  • Each item that we scan for you sends a text – unfortunately it’s not possible to include the title

  • You can Opt in or out at any time

How to Opt in:

  • Login to your library account at midhudsonlibraries.org 

  • Click My Account in the top right of the Screen

  • Click Edit Account

  • Enter your mobile number as shown below and check the “opt in” box

  • Scroll to the bottom of the window and click Submit

Image showing how to opt into nobile text notifications.

Your first text will ask you to reply “yes” to confirm that you want to be texted at this number.

How to Opt out:

  • Reply to any text message with STOP; QUIT; CANCEL; UNSUBSCRIBE; or STOP ALL, which will stop all messages from all participating libraries

  • Texting STOP to either 35143 or 82453, which will stop all messages from all participating libraries

Frequency of Service:

The frequency and timing depends on your library activity. Typically, a text message is sent whenever a requested item is made available for you to pickup. There may be a delay between the time the item shows as available for pickup in your library account and receiving the text message.