HV Polinators
6:00 PM18:00

HV Polinators

Pollination is the bedrock of our natural communities. The work of the Hudson Valley’s pollinators—which include bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, flies, and even bats and birds—is vital to the functioning of our natural systems. They help to fuel the food chain that nearly all animals rely on for sustenance and shelter, including human beings. Pollinators make our farms flourish and our forests function. However, the existence of many of our pollinators, and thus the integrity of our ecological communities, is under threat. Join us for the discussion of how we can help and what we can do.

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Did you ever want to play the harp? A Pop-Up Experience
1:00 PM13:00

Did you ever want to play the harp? A Pop-Up Experience

Julia Haines will be teaching mini harp lessons for people of all ages! Please sign up in advance, there are limited harps. In order to allow as many people as possible the opportunity to try a harp lesson, please only sign up for 2 slots total from now through July. Adults should attempt to sign up for the first slot at each Pop-Up, kids and families for the second session. All guardians should remain with their child whether or not they are trying the harp. This is a free program "This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by Arts Mid-Hudson."

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Did you ever want to play the harp? A Harp Pop-Up Experience
10:00 AM10:00

Did you ever want to play the harp? A Harp Pop-Up Experience

Julia Haines will be teaching mini harp lessons for people of all ages! Please sign up in advance, there are limited harps. In order to allow as many people as possible the opportunity to try a harp lesson, please only sign up for 2 slots total from now through July. Adults should attempt to sign up for the first slot at each Pop-Up, kids and families for the second session. All guardians should remain with their child whether or not they are trying the harp. This is a free program "This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by Arts Mid-Hudson."

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Sew on & Sew Forth
11:00 AM11:00

Sew on & Sew Forth

Come in and sew some new pajama pants! For the PJ Pants class, you’ll need to purchase a commercial pattern. You might also want to buy flannel if you’d prefer that over the cotton fabric available at the library. More info to come in March about patterns and fabric options. Please sign up in advance, are you bringing your own machine or borrowing ours?

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Dolly Forever
6:00 PM18:00

Dolly Forever

Join us for a Dolly Parton-filled evening celebrating the legend and her Imagination Library. Enjoy delicious food, live music and a reading from local author Holly George-Warren, co-author of Behind the Seams: My Life in Rhinestones.

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Clothing Swap
9:00 AM09:00

Clothing Swap

Join us for our bi-annual clothing swap! Please bring items in for the swap from April 26- May 1st for sorting. There is no need to bring items to the swap to come and shop, we always have plenty! Great for the whole family!

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Hot Wrk Ensemble
4:00 PM16:00

Hot Wrk Ensemble

Hot Wrk Ensemble is a saxophone/woodwind and percussion trio founded in 2020 by award-winning musicians J Brooks Marcus (J Why), Lois Hicks-Wozniak and Brad Hubbard, explores, deconstructs and wrks out concepts of traditional chamber music and the concert experience by engaging communities to interact with and partake in the creation process. Performances can include everything from contemporary art music, jazz, world music styles to early Baroque, and arrangements of Dolly Parton and The Beatles. Expect the unexpected! The Hot Wrk Ensemble is performing a free concert at Olive Free Library, West Shokan, NY. This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by Arts Mid-Hudson.

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Keepers of the Light: Women Lighthouse Keepers of the Hudson River
6:00 PM18:00

Keepers of the Light: Women Lighthouse Keepers of the Hudson River

“Keepers of the Light: Women Lighthouse Keepers of the Hudson River”
​Women have kept the lights since the earliest days of the Hudson River lighthouses. Starting in the 1830s until automation in the 1950s, nearly a dozen women were official lighthouse keepers on the Hudson River, several with careers of over forty years. Others were unjustly turned out from their posts. Some weren’t official keepers at all, but did the duties nonetheless. Learn about the careers and personal lives of these female keepers, what it took to be a lighthouse keeper, and why the Hudson River had more women lighthouse keepers than most places in the United States.  Jack Loesch from Hudson River Maritime Museum will be presenting.

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Guatemalan Worry Doll Workshop
11:00 AM11:00

Guatemalan Worry Doll Workshop

The Guatemalan legend says, "Tell your worries to the worry dolls before you go to bed and put them under your pillow. In the morning, the dolls will have taken your worries away!"

In this program, families and people of all ages will explore the story of Muñeca Quitapena.

Then you will get creative by making their own Worry Dolls to keep the legend alive!

Andrea Del Cid from the Reher Center in Kingston with be presenting. Please sign up, space is limited!

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Hidden History: Native People and the Catskill Mountains
1:00 PM13:00

Hidden History: Native People and the Catskill Mountains

For centuries, Native People traveled through the Catskill Mountains on well-used paths and visited select locations for hunting elk, beavers, passenger pigeons and other game. By the 18th century, secluded valleys near the headwaters of Catskill Creek, Schoharie Creek and the Delaware River became a refuge for families retreating from Euro-American settlement. This presentation will explore the identity of these communities and tell their story.
Presented by Justin Wexler of Wild Hudson Valley

No need to register.

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Chakra Class with Hudson Valley Meditation & Reiki
11:00 AM11:00

Chakra Class with Hudson Valley Meditation & Reiki

We will begin with a discussion about what the chakras are, the history and the physical and emotional impact that they have on our energy. The we end the workshop with a guided meditation and light reiki touch with essential oils and we will also experience the crystal singing bowl. Please bring a towel or yoga mat as desired. Snowdate is Feb 22nd.

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Community Mixer
3:00 PM15:00

Community Mixer

Hosted by the Friends Group

Clear the winter blues and come in from the cold.  Join old friends, meet new friends, enjoy the good vibes of Olive over warm bowls of soup and stew, bread and other warm refreshments! We look forward to seeing you there! 

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Intro to Beekeeping
10:00 AM10:00

Intro to Beekeeping

Our goal is long term sustainability through education, and breeding improvement. For this workshop we will focus on how to start beekeeping in a sustainable way. Becoming self-sufficient in expanding your apiary with quality acclimatized stock is key to success. In addition to covering the basics of honeybee biology and colony management, we will provide insight on the best options for keeping healthy bees in the Hudson Valley region.

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Tiny Art Show
to Feb 1

Tiny Art Show

  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a Tiny Art Show.

Pick up your supplies starting January 11th and bring your one of a kind art back for display at the library by Feb 1st! Join us February 1st for a tiny Art Opening at 1 p.m.

All ages are welcome to join us. We do have limited space, please sign up for supplies!


  • Name must be on artwork

  • Use anything you would like, but it must fit on your canvas

  • Return by Feb 1 for display.

  • Art will be on display on the main library room until 2/28


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The Overlook with Noah Eckstein
11:00 AM11:00

The Overlook with Noah Eckstein

The Overlook, a nonprofit news outlet for the Catskills, is coming in early 2025, with support from the communities we serve. We’ll cover stories that are insightful, daring, and deeply rooted in the life and spirit of Hunter, Hurley, Olive, Saugerties, Shandaken, and Woodstock—stories that inspire civic engagement, hold the powerful to account, and make a difference. Questions? Ideas? Reach out: noah@theoverlooknews.com

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Medicare Counseling
10:00 AM10:00

Medicare Counseling

Representatives from the Ulster County Office of Aging will be here to discuss changes in Medicare for the upcoming year and to help you make sense of it all. Please call 845-340-3456 to make an appointment.

Here is an amazing bit of inside information that the Phoenicia Library offered in its latest newsletter about Medicare:

Things we've learned about Medicare watching library patrons and Peggy from the Ulster County Office of the Aging work together:

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Community Clothing Swap
10:00 AM10:00

Community Clothing Swap

We will be hosting another Clothing swap!!!! This is a community favorite and saves households money every year! Please bring your gently used, clean clothing in (from Nov. 2-7th) and shop for some fun new items on November 9th! Women & Men, Girls & Boys… everyone can find some new items. This is a good time to trade in your too small winter items for some new ones!

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Medicare Counseling
10:00 AM10:00

Medicare Counseling

Representatives from the Ulster County Office of Aging will be here to discuss changes in Medicare for the upcoming year and to help you make sense of it all. Please call 845-340-3456 to make an appointment.

Here is an amazing bit of inside information that the Phoenicia Library offered in its latest newsletter about Medicare:

Things we've learned about Medicare watching library patrons and Peggy from the Ulster County Office of the Aging work together:

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Medicare Counseling
12:00 PM12:00

Medicare Counseling

Representatives from the Ulster County Office of Aging will be here to discuss changes in Medicare for the upcoming year and to help you make sense of it all. Please call 845-340-3456 to make an appointment.

Here is an amazing bit of inside information that the Phoenicia Library offered in its latest newsletter about Medicare:

Things we've learned about Medicare watching library patrons and Peggy from the Ulster County Office of the Aging work together:

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