November 20, 2021 - January 8, 2022
Small Is Beautiful
4th Annual Small Works Show
The Olive Free Library Association is pleased to present its 4th Annual Small Works Show featuring 38 regional Hudson Valley artists displaying 71 works. The exhibition, titled Small is Beautiful will take place in the Library’s Community Gallery, and will run from Saturday, November 20, 2021 through Saturday, January 8, 2022 with an opening reception on Saturday, November 20, 3 – 5 pm.
Kathy Yacoe, curator of Small is Beautiful has, together with other members of the Olive Free Library’s Exhibition Committee, put together a lively and varied exhibition of local and regional artworks, all limited to 12” x 12”, in many different media. The call for art resulted in 126 submissions of which 71 were chosen offering the community a great way to purchase works by local artists (within a 50-mile radius) at affordable prices, just in time for the holidays!
The Olive Library is also very excited about a fundraising effort during the Small Works Show: all Exhibition Committee members will be donating one of their own works to this exhibition. These artworks will be installed together on one wall in the Community Gallery and will be sold at only $100 each with 100% of the proceeds benefiting the Olive Free Library, a perfect holiday gift!
The show’s participating artists: Debbie Auer-Breithaupt, Virginia Casper, Diane Christi, Youye Chu, Mary Delaney Connelly, Melanie Delgado, Kasmira Demyan, Priscilla Derven, Marjorie Grinnell, Barbara Hirth-Strauss, Katie Hoffstatter, Arlene Holmes, Jennifer Jackowitz, Janette Kahil, Pam Krimsky, Carol LaMonda, Kristen Lowe, Kate Masters, Elizabeth Melnyczuk, Wilma Miller, Susan J Murphy, Sandra Nystrom, Jacqueline Oster, Suzanne Parker, Geraldine Popko, Elaine Ralston, Joe Reilly, Marilynn Rowley, Renee Samuels, Dominick Santise, Sandra Scheuer, Linda Schultz, Christopher Skura, Jan Sosnowitz, Sam Taylor, Joyce Washor, Roni Wilder, and Kathy Yacoe.